Movement Assessments
Our sport-specific Movement Assessments are performed to identify movement faults related to impaired mobility, flexibility, stability, motor control, and coordination. The goal of our movement assessments is to reduce the risk of injury and to improve overall performance. Each assessment is individualized and standardized based on the sport. At the conclusion of each assessment, clients are provided with guidelines and exercises to improve specific deficits.
We currently provide the following movement assessments:

Titelist Performance Institue Golf Assessment

Functional fitness assessment for CrossFit, Olympic Lifting, and Power Lifting Athletes

Running Assessment
Sports Readiness Assessments
Our Sports Readiness Assessment is for athletes who are currently recovering from an injury, have completed recovery from an injury, or are looking to determine a pre-participation level of readiness to return to sport. This assessment includes strength testing, range of motion testing, functional objective testing, and evidence based readiness questionnaires. Each assessment is individualized to the athlete and their respective sport. At the conclusion of each assessment, athletes are provided with their results, guidelines, and recommendations to improve deficits and reduce risk for injury in sport.
We currently provide Sports Readiness Assessments for athletes of all sports. Our evidence based and functional objective testing includes, but is not limited to:

Upper Extremity Y Balance Testing

Seating Shot
Put Test

Closed Kinetic Chain Upper Extremity Stability Test

Lower Extremity Y Balance Testing

Various Hop

Movement Analysis
HumanTrak Movement Analysis
Founded on clinical research and validated externally, HumanTrak combines a 3D camera with wearable inertial sensors, creating a dynamic 3D model of your athlete’s body. This detailed analysis of their movement happens in real-time, making it possible to assess their movement immediately and tailor training or rehabilitation programs with clear and measurable objectives in mind.
The HumanTrak Movement Analysis provides automated and printable reports in conjunction with Physiolete’s Performance Assessment to assist in tracking progress and demonstrating outcomes in athletes.